Introduction: Harmless Throwing Darts

About: The individual is nothing but a body. Every individual is a member of the same collective. That collective comprises all living things on Earth. Every member is obligated, in return for a portion of the res…
A mini dart with a weighted end that keeps it flying straight. It is blunt so you can throw it at your friends all you want Very simple materials and is easy to make.

Step 1: What You'll Need

The few things required to build these darts are listed here.
-masking tape
-aluminum foil
-tooth picks(round or flat)

Step 2: The Head

Pull off a peice of aluminum foil a little longer than one inch(two point five centimeters)long by twelve inches wide. This is enough to make two darts, so rip it in half through the short part. Wad up each piece into a ball. They don't need to be pretty, because the dart still flies well with a lopsided end.

Step 3: The Tail

Now stick a toothpick pointy end first into the ball, but be careful that it doesn't go through. At this point it is possible to throw but not at all sturdy. Use a strip of masking tape to secure the head a little. After that, continue to wrap masking tape around the ball. When you're happy with what you see, you're done. Sorry about the pic.

Step 4: How to Throw

There are two ways to throw this dart. The first version is to hold just behind the head and throw like a paper airplane. I like this version better because it flies straight with minimal twisting. The second version is holding by the tail and whipping it forward. This goes farther but is harder to aim and it twists in flight. DO NOT THROW AT THE EYES. DO NOT BLAME ME IF SOMEONE GETS HURT.

This is my first instructable. Please comment.

suggestion: try holding more than one dart for a shotgun blast.