Introduction: Heart Key Ring
Nothing is more frustrating than loosing your keys, now you can create a large key ring so you never loose them again, all while spreading the love with a heart.
- Red electrical tape
- Scissors
- Pliers
- 22 gage wire
Step 1: Gather Your Materials
All you will need is a role of electrical tape (I prefer red), 22 gage wire (mine is 1/4 pound package), scissors, and needle nose pliers.
Step 2: Form Initial Heart Shape in Wire
Start by forming the initial heart shape with wire. This can be any size that you prefer. I made mine 4.75 inches tall and 5 inches wide. Then you begin to wrap a wire around the initial wire to create a solid and supportive structure.
Step 3: Wrap in Red Electrical Tape
Next, wrap the wired structure in red electrical taped. I did it in short lengths because I found it easier to wrap around. I used enough tape to cover the sharp ends of the wire that were cut, all while adding color to the heart.
Step 4: Wrap Structure in Additional Wire
Begin to wrap the heart in additional wire until it is 85% covered in the wire. I measured about 3 feet of wire and began to wrap around it slowly. The point where I began the wire I covered in a piece of red tape to prevent the sharp edge from poking out.
Step 5: Attach to Key Ring!
The last and final step after you fully wrap and cut your wire, is to attach it to your key ring. It will make looking for your keys a lot easier!