Hidden Book Switch


Intro: Hidden Book Switch

This is a great idea seen in many films and I tried to make it real. It's really simple to make and also small to fit in a bookshelf or any other surface.

The idea came a few months ago when I wanted a hidden button to interact with a micro:bit project. It didn't work that well and the design made the switch too obvious. I revisited the idea tho, when I mounted a LED strip in my room and I wanted a cool way to turn the lights on. The new design came out so much better and hidden so I decided to use it that time because the cable ended near a little shelve besides my desk.

It's still a bit obvious if you've seen this instructable but it's a cool way to open lights and impress your friends!


Open a little hole in the bookmark or find another way to attach the rope to it.


Tie the other end of the rope to the switch.


Glue the switch vertically on the shelf (or any surface you want your book on)


The book is now ready to use! You can attach any circuit to the switch. For demonstration i added a simple LED strip with a battery pack.


Cute, but your intro is to short! To increase your chance of an award you need to say specifically the goal/purpose of this construction. I could only guess when the picture is all you provide. Good luck!

I tried to improve my introduction and updated the project. Thanks again for all the help and feedback!

In case you didn't know, you can edit/revise a project even after it has been submitted. So it's not to late to make improvements. I bet you've got good idea and chance of an award if you spiff up the intro a bit;-). Good luck!

Thanks a lot for the advise! I'll try to improve my intro in my next project.