Home Made Cd Buffer


Intro: Home Made Cd Buffer

If you have scratched cds, this is a good method to fix them with simple household items.

STEP 1: Supplies and Preperation

you will need these supplies:
1. Scratched Cd (very easy to find)
2. Handheld Egg Beater w/ removable beaters
3. Mr. Clean Magic Erasers
4. Brasso Metal Polish (can find at hardware store)
5. water
6. towel

STEP 2: Instructions

Take one of the beaters off of the egg beater and cut one of the magic erasers about 1.5 inches apart. cut off the edges a little bit. pour some of the brasso onto a side of the eraser and plop that onto the cd. turn the beater on and put it on top of the eraser so it spins. while gradually speeding up, spin the eraser around the cd for about 10 minutes. apply more brasso if it runs out or gets moved over to the side.

STEP 3: Finshing Up

when the ten minutes off buffing is up. go to a sink and wash off the brasso. use a cotton ball to smear it off. when done, take a towel and cover the cd and make sure to absorb the water. after that is finished, use a cotton ball and rub the cd to give it a new look. when done, test to see if it works. you may need to do step 2 over again if necessary. it's great for scratched games, cds, or dvds.


sorry to be picky but those aren't hand beaters (wheres the crank handle) they are called electric hand held beaters.
Sorry to be mean.

You can hold these beaters with your feet

no offense taken. i tried thinking what they were called. i forgot to put it it.
I have the egg beater and an buffer pad to clean head lights and don't have access to the polish what else can I use
Why does it have to be a "magic eraser" and not an ordinary one?
Magic Erasers (TM) are more like sponges than erasers. They are very fine abrasives that disintegrate as you use them.
Not sure I understand how to attach the Magic Eraser to the beater.
yh same too, i really don't understand the next step. please explain how to attach the magic eraser pls. thx
cool and i ahve all the needed...i will start my own....instead of using this mixer i use a nescafe mixer dedicated for this job
çalışırsa süpersin bebek
does this work on games
i see you're a fan of homestar runner
I'd have thought that cotton balls would cause more scratching. Would it be better to use a mirofibre cloth?
5 bucks. check the home depot or a local hardware store