Home-Made PVC Pipe Bow and Arrow


Intro: Home-Made PVC Pipe Bow and Arrow

This is my home-made bow and arrow! It shoots very far and is accurate. Well enjoy the video and pictures! Don't forget to rate, comment, and subscribe.


my brother also did this and it was very fun to shoot.
but my brother built it differently, he took 2 of those pipes and wrapped them around in tape and then painted them.
Why did you remove the video?
ohhh ok thanks
im the first to rate :D i rated it 3.0
idk but its a pretty good rating i mean i didnt know what to rate it but 3 of 5 is pretty good so idk
Ok thanks, but i was just joking with you, you can rat e it whatever you want.
did you hit the car after you ended the vidio??
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