Homemade Coffee Marshmallows


Intro: Homemade Coffee Marshmallows

Every holiday season I make batches of different colored and flavored marshmallows. This one is definitely a favorite. They will melt in your mouth. They are delicious alone, in hot chocolate, chopped up and added to fudge or brownies, dipped in chocolate...
Try different flavors of coffee to change it up a bit.

STEP 1: Gather Ingredients

You will need:

3 envelopes of Knox gelatin
3/4 cup of strong cold coffee, divided
2 cups granulated sugar
2/3 cups corn syrup
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
Powdered sugar (for dredging)
Cooking spray or oil (for pan and spatula)

Measuring cups
Electric mixer with whisk attachment
Small saucepan
Rubber spatula
9 x 13 glass pan
Scissors, large knife, or cookie cutters

STEP 2: Set the Gelatin

Pour 1/2 cup of the coffee in the electric mixer bowl. Sprinkle the gelatin and let it sit for 10 minutes.


Combine the granulated sugar, corn syrup, and 1/4 cup of coffee in the saucepan.

Bring to a boil and boil hard for 1 minute. 


Add the boiling liquid carefully to the gelatin mixture.
Mix at high speed and add the salt.
Beat for 12 minutes. Add the vanilla and incorporate into the mixture.


You should have a very gooey delicious marshmallow cream at this point.

Lightly oil your pan and spatula and scrape the mixture into the pan. 

Spread evenly. Reapply oil lightly as needed.

Cover loosely and let sit at least 4 hours.

STEP 6: The Fun Part

Spread powdered sugar onto your work surface.
Gently tip the giant marshmallow out of the pan and dust with more powdered sugar.
Use a knife or scissors to first cut strips and then cubes. You could also try shaped cookie cutters.
Dredge the marshmallows in powdered sugar.


can you replace corn syrup with something else?

thank you!

This looks like just the thing to help pull me out of a week-off-of-work-funk (pneumonia - in mid-May!). My husband, a diabetic, doesn't even eat marshmallows so I don't have to use an excuse of potential germs to hold him back. I am suspecting that flavored coffees would create an assortment of coffee-flavored mallos. Full report to follow, thanks to your excellent 'ible and clear photos. My favorite is Red Goat Coffee - anyone for Goat Marshmallows?! Thanks!


Did you use a stand mixer? If so, which speed did you set, and how long did you run? I tried mine at top speed but the motor was a little unhappy with me.... it usually doesn't have to work so hard! ;) The fluff looked done after only about 5 or 6 minutes, but I ran it the full 12m anyway... wonder if it was unnecessary. These turned out really great, and I had a lot of success cutting them with my bench knife. I found that using espresso was maybe a little TOO much kick.

This is, without a doubt, one of my favorite recipes of all time. Whenever there's a party coming up and I'm asked to bring something, I whip up a batch of these. They are always a hit.

BTW, for stronger coffee flavor, brew up some espresso.

Thanks for posting this. I'll never buy marshmallows again!
Pizza cutter (rolling wheel) was a great idea. Used it yesterday on the peach marshmallows I made (using jello) for my kids. I am printing this off to use for a girlie get-to-gether I am going to next month. They sound awesome!
I have tried marshmallow making a couple of times in the past. the taste is there, even the texture, but something happens when i slice them. I'm hoping that by trying you here, I might actually get something better than what I have in the past. Thanks for sharing!
To coat most anything with powdered sugar, cocoa or even bread crumbs---

Place coating material in a paper bag

Add the items to be coated



You ROCK!!! Thank you.
I haven't made marshmallow in years, then I usually crafted Lavender with 100% pure Essential Lavender Oil and Lavender buds, Cinnamon, Lemon, Orange, peppermint ect... always using both the herb and Essential oils.

But not with coffee, which is strange since I am a coffee freak. I craft coffee bean candy by putting a coffee bean in anything sweet or pouring melted chocolate ect... over the beans and eat.

I have crafted little balls from some of my marshmallow batch with a coffee bean inside, YUMMY!!! Your simple but true receipt is most excellent!!!

THANK YOU again!!! I'm not even going to try digging my old ones out. Yours does not need any altering at all!!! Just PERFECT as it is if done correctly.

And my nice pots came clean easily with soap and water, lol. 

Bright Blessings,
Ms. Sly
Thank you SO much! I'm glad you like them. What a great idea with the bean. I'll have to try that.
My girlfriend and i tried making these, they were very easy, and have a fantastic flavor to them. We will be making these again and experimenting with new flavors.
I tried these out and it turned out great. A couple of things I learned from the process.

Timing the gelatin sitting vs the syrup mixture boiling was a little off. I combined the coffee and gelatin, set the timer for 10min, then poured all my premeasured ingredients for the boiling mixture together and put it on the stove on high. At first I was worried about this thick concoction I was going to boil in my wife's nice pans. I was sure it was going to stick to the pan and ruin them. It began to boil in about 2 min, and it said let boil hard for 1 min. The syrup become very thin which makes sense and expected. I kept putting it on and off the stove to keep it thin while my gelatin finished. Does the 10minute rule matter much or is there much leeway?

It sat in the stand mixer on 6 at first for a few minutes then I put it on 8 for the rest of the 12 minutes and it turned out great. The coffee flavor was not as strong as I would have hoped. I used 1 scoops of coffee and 2 cups of water, which normally you would get 6 cups according to the directions on the coffee. Any tips to make it more potent?

After it sat for a while, I put powdered sugar on the counter, flipped the contents onto it then spread sugar on the back and sides. This coated better than my top which was face down at this point, and stick to get off the counter. Next time I will put a thick solid coat on my cutting board, and flip it on to that. I used the pizza cutter method someone suggested and it worked great. For dredging I put 3 chunks in a bowl at a time and mixed them around. This part took about 30 minutes to coat about 60 marshmallows as I coated them and flicked each side to get excess off. A faster way to get through this part would be nice.

Overall very pleased and glad I tried it. The marshmallows have a subtle flavor but noticeable. I would prefer more kick. They are really soft and taste really fresh. Cost to make these was about $3.00. Not cheaper than store marshmallows but way better and nice to have something home made.
Aww, steveturri,
It is mega simple to make stronger coffee.... you just add more ground coffees beans when brewing & TaDa!!!
No one knows how big your "scoops" are as there are many sizes of "scoops".
I don't use any "scoops', I simply pour the coffee beans in my grinder but I use about 1/3 c. to make 4 cups of coffee.

Making a batch of 'Coffee Marshmallows' I knew I needed it REAL STRONG so I used 3/4th c. ground up coffee beans, only added 1 c. water and brewed.

I poured out the needed 3/4ths c. then added 4 c. water to coffee maker for drinking coffee.

Quoting you here; "At first I was worried about this thick concoction I was going to boil in my wife's nice pans. I was sure it was going to stick to the pan and ruin them."

Bless your heart, lol, nothing like this will "ruin" "your wife's nice pans". This is actually what they are made for. I understand many think they are for dumping premixed boxed or canned goods into to heat up but they can and will do so much more then just that.

And, they are cleanable with just soap and water!!!
Sometimes I like letting my sticky messes pots & pans soak.

My friend was here reading this and stated "only a man would think cooking could ruin pans" which is not true. Most the men I know are not only great cooks they also get the dishes cleaner then any cleaning women I've ever had.

Hope this helps you steveturri, remember... just add more ground up coffee beans and just brew one cup first.

Bright Blessings,
Ms Sly

There is some leeway with the timing, but the gelatin does need to set before you add the other ingredients. As far as the strength of the coffee flavor, you can just increase the strength of the coffee you use. And for dredging the marshmallows, it will go faster the more you do it. It takes me no more than 15 minutes for this step.
I tried home-made marshmallows once before and they just came out too dense. I wonder if my cheap little hand mixer just doesn't have enough oomph? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Also to help with the Knox quantity:
1 packet Knox gelatine (sic) = 7.2g = 0.254 oz = 1.44 teaspoons.
I hope that helps someone.
so for clarification, 1 packet is~1.5 tsp
so for the entire recipe u need 4.5tsp rite?

cause i think i only put 1.5 tsp in the entire recipe. So it tastes like marshmallows, but has a gooey sticky consistancy. Still good for coffee though.
How large is the gelatin envelope? Would it turn out right if I didn't add the coffee?
Use water instead of coffee. Then add whatever extract flavor and colors you want. Each envelope is 0.25 oz according to the package.
use water instead
video at : http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=fRLmAex3yz8
good recipe
anther one for plan marshmallows at
| http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=fRLmAex3yz8 |
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