Homemade Speaker


Intro: Homemade Speaker

Homemade speakers are fairly simple and easy to make. I got the idea to make this when my brother had to make a speaker for physics class and well i decided to make an instructable for it. So here it goes...

Supplies Hardware

X1 Electromagnetic wire Wire Strippers

X1 Regular disposable drinking cup (NOT Plastic!!) Electrical tape

X1 Paper plate 12" (for sub woofer) Soldering skillz and equipment

X1 Small Paper Dixie cup 3oz. ( for tweeter) Hot glue gun

X3 Semi-powerful magnet

X1 boom box (something that has red and black ports for speakers)

You also need some 3 ft.x 1ft. plywood and nailing materials

X6 Rubber bands...

STEP 1: Cutting the Paper Down

You need to make both the tweeter and mid range smaller in size so you need to have a two inch base for the mid and a 1/4 of an inch base for the tweeter

STEP 2: Wrap It Up!! (not Really)

Now you need to start putting the electromagnetic wire into coils. You need some left over wire so you can solder it onto more wire (like 5 inches).

STEP 3: Glueing It Together

Now you need to halve the rubber bands and glue them on to the sub woofer, mid range and the tweeter. The sub woofer needs 6 halves, and the tweeter and mid range needs 3.

STEP 4: Soldering

For the connections all you need to do is solder them like so.

boom box & connection wire & connection wire -> tweeter coil-> connection & connection wire -> mid coil -> connection wire & connection wire -> sub coil -> connection wire & connection wire & boom box

& = twist together
-> = solder
if confused look at the pic

STEP 5: Making the Speaker Box

Cut holes in the plywood and leave about a one inch gap in between the board and the paper plates
hot glue the rubber bands to the board have them tight but not too tight so they cant vibrate

STEP 6: Connections

Now were almost done!
The red and black connectors at the back a boom box should be able to click up and down...
Click them both up and slide one connection into the red slot and one into the black slot it shouldn't matter what connection goes into what slot.

STEP 7: Finishing Up and Performance Enhancements

Now turn on the boom box with some music stand up the plywood and put the magnet close to the wire and enjoy your music making creation.
In order for your sound to get louder and better quality try these things:

-Use a larger gauge wire for the midrange and even bigger for the subwoofer

- If you have a multimeter try to match the impedance of the stereo with the impedance (resistance) of your speakers, if you are unsure of the impedance of you sound source make the amount of wire wraps equal 8 Ohms

- Wrap the wires neatly and glue them evenly to the plates

- Make sure that your sound system can put out enough power for the speakers but make sure the coils don't get hot

And if you still aren't satisfied with the sound quality don't use paper plates and use something that is meant for speakers, or just buy some speakers


There is no sound even i connect the wire to coil.
Put a magnet on the board and the coil on the speaker or reversed.


no because it needs to be able to vibrate
Actually, it'll vibrate just fine even if they're glued in place. With the rubber bands, they have more freedom of motion and can be theoretically louder, as well as better sounding. Just make sure nothing is scraping, or you'll get some nasty buzzing sounds.

I didnt show it but you can hold it behind the coils or you can rig something to hold it there
Couldn't you just twist em all together? What's the difference between soldering and twisting the wires? don't you get the same result?
ya but soldering give a more secure connection
so soldering all wires gives better sound quality right?
no .

absolutely no difference .
yes, and yes it would do the same thing
the speaker is more proof of concept so it isnt very loud, no, you cant subsitute a copper cylinder for the coil
Now that I have finally got to this I have one problem.  It isn't loud enough.  Right now this couldn't even meet laptop standards.  Do you know if increasing either coil size or magnet power would fix the problem.
 Either getting thicker magnet wire or doing fewer wraps of the wire would make it louder, i am adding a new section to the instructable for performance enhancements so check it out
 Could you add pictures of the magnet
 You should just be able to use any magnet, even a strong refrigerator magnet should work.
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