Hot Air Balloon


Intro: Hot Air Balloon

Ready for Fourth of July I am and every year we all make those and race them know you can to.

STEP 1: Gather Materials

You need the following materials 1. A garbage bag 2.Wire 2. Fire starter

STEP 2: Make Two Wires

Cut two sections of wire as wide as the opening hole

STEP 3: Attach to Bag

Make a hook on each end and poke it through the bag 5 or. 6 times

STEP 4: Add Fire Holder

To hold the fire starter cut a 6 inch piece of wire and bend around x in wire and make two points to stick it on.

STEP 5: Launch

To launch have some one hold the bag and you need to light the fire starter and don't let the bag melt then you will let go when it is blown up let go and watch fly.


yeah would not be recommended in wooded areas or very dry areas. could start a forest fire. we have enough of them going on in the USA don't need more.
Yep !…
100% good old common sense !…
I hate to be an environment freak but flying flaming plastic trash bags seem like a bad idea
Agreed. Silk paper does the job magnificently !…
How do you not burn anything down? It seems dangerous. Just saying
it cant come down until the fires out and it just got done raining out
you could tie some kite string to the balloon and then you could real it in when you were done
Nope ! The higher the balloon is, the longer the string is … thus the heavier : all in all the heat would be high enough to lift both balloon and string !…
yeah would not be recommended in wooded areas or very dry areas. could start a forest fire. we have enough of them going on in the USA don't need more.