Introduction: HotFlash Drive

About: Evo 8, Honda K, B Engines Mods
This a tutorial on how to make a flash drive using a Maisto car.

Step 1: Materials Needed

1. A cheap flash drive: I found a 2gb one on ebay.
2. A desired hot wheels car or other brand. (This one is an 2004 Chevrolet Silverado SS by Maisto).
3. Super Glue: found mine at a dollar store.
4. dreamel (rotary tool).
5. 3M double face tape.
6. Patience.

Step 2: Tearing Apart

Tear apart the car DUB is better because you can unscrew it the easy way.
The tear apart the flash drive (depends on the type of flash drive).

Step 3: Making It Fit...

Cut with dreamel until the flash drive boar fits on the car.

Step 4: Pasting the Board.

Paste the board with 3M double face tape.

Step 5: Make It Clean...

Put back all the stuff together using the Super Glue.

Step 6: ...And the Final Product

I used a 2004 Chevrolet Silverado SS made by Maisto.