Hoverboard - Back to the Future 2


Intro: Hoverboard - Back to the Future 2

Okay, today i'm gonna show you how to make a good looking Hoverboard for less than 30$. We will start with a look on the material to use :

  • Foam
  • Hot glue
  • White glue
  • Glossy paper
  • Spray and normal paint
  • Xacto
  • Scissor
  • Velcro
  • Screw

STEP 1: Model and Cutting

The first thing I did is searching a model of an Hoverboard. Luckily, I found a very good picture including the dimensions and an image of the bottom of the Hoverboard. With this model in hand, I ran to Walmart and bought 4 sheets of foam for about 10$. I traced the model on one sheet of foam and cut it with an Exacto.

STEP 2: Glue Together + Sanding

I repeated the previous step another time and I glued everything together. When you cut the foam, it is possible that you get, on the borders, something like in these pictures. A quick way to correct that is to sand the foam. When sanding, you can put a curve effect on the sides, like the real Hoverboard.

STEP 3: Bottom

To build the bottom part, I used the model. For the parts beneath magnets, I used foam I had left (hence the weird rectangle holes). For thicker parts I used the foam sheets from WalMart.

STEP 4: Paint

You can choose any color you want. I chose a simple pink that I found at Canadian Tire (Yes I'm canadian!). The other colors for the bottom were from my grandma (thanks grandma).

Note : To harden the foam you can apply 3-4 layer of white glue. Then, it will be less complicated and MUCH better to apply the spray and the other colors.

STEP 5: Printing the Design

To print the design, I used the model in the pictures. Glossy paper is better if you want a good looking result. I glued the printed paper on the foam with hot glue.

Note : If you print on multiple pages like me, the better thing to do is to cut the model according to the pink diagonals on the design. Or otherwise you will see the horizontal cut...

STEP 6: Velcro

I ordered from ebay, pink and green velcro for about 5$. I really don't need to explain this part. You must follow the green and pink lines from the design.

STEP 7: Finish Result + Bonus

An easy DIY project for everyone for cheap. You can even add a foot directionner if you want to. Hope you enjoyed it, any comment is welcome. If you like it don't forget to vote for this project for the Halloween Prop contest!

- John, from Canada


I make in wood my Hoverboard! Allan from Brazil... tks
Hallan por favor en donde encuentro el archivo para imprimir el adesivo? ...gracias
Olá Diego, coloquei o arquivo de imagem que usei em anexo.
Quando for imprimir, ajuste-o conforme as medidas do seu Hover.

Como vc fez? se fez um passo a passo, pode me enviar por favor?

Opa, cara não fiz um passo a passo mas se quiser te informo certinho mais ou menos o que usei aqui. Tem whats?
Como se imprime?
Thank you for sharing this! I didn't make my hoverboard in the same manner as yours (I used plywood), but I found your template for the details extremely helpful in finishing mine.

Your image from step 5 was printed out and used as a guide for placing strips of tape and for the various details. I just wanted to say thanks!!

Here's a picture of my board on a messy kitchen table late Halloween Eve : )
What kind of glue did you use to attach the board?
that's really cool! definitely my Halloween costume accessory! but how did you get the print for the top in color? did you colour it, paint it, or just print it?

Myth ends today Hover Board of McFly can not fly Sorry

I've tested the original Hover board sorry it was not able to fly .

you can see the original Hover board from 1985 and the plate with original signature of Michael J. Fox alias Marty McFlay
inside the board I found this Plate with original signature this board was really the original ups... Sorry


I've been waiting for twenty years!!!

I know right, I've been waiting for twenty years!!!

How do I get the template picture to print on a 1:1 scale?

hi very cool dose it work

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