How to Bait a Hook With Catfish Punch Bait


Intro: How to Bait a Hook With Catfish Punch Bait

Catfish punch baits are a very popular and effective catfish bait for channel catfish. Fishing these types of catfish baits with a slip bobber rig can produce some excellent numbers of fish.

It is also very popular to use catfish punch bait in combination with chumming or baiting a hole for catfish during certain times of the year so mix up some soured wheat catfish chum and give that a try also.

One reason these types of catfish baits are so popular is you can bait the hook easily without having to touch the bait or getting stinky stuff on your hands like many catfish baits.

If you follow these simple steps you will be able to quickly and easily bait a hook with catfish punch bait.


The trip is the catfish rig, using the rig and then the punch bait. You can see the rig and instructions here: