How to Build a Rocket


Intro: How to Build a Rocket

This is how you make a rocket. This cover photo is courtesy of

STEP 1: Step One

You will need to get 33.3 grams of Potassium Nitrate, 17 grams of sugar, 6 grams of corn syrup, and 27 milliliters of water.

STEP 2: Step Two

Grind up sugar and Potassium Nitrate serpeartely using a ceramic grinder.

STEP 3: Step Three

Cut strips of paper 1.5 inches long, completely glue one side of the paper and wrap tightly around a normal PaperMate pen when making a small casing and if making a bigger casing wrap around a wooden stick or something of a similar shape, so you are able to create a hollow casing to put the clay and fuel in.

STEP 4: Step Four

Heat your pan or skillet to 300 degrees Farenheit.

STEP 5: Step Five

Pour the 6 grams of corn syrup onto the heated pan/skillet.

STEP 6: Step Seven

At the same time at the 33.3 grams of Potassium Nitrate, 17 grams of sugar, and 27 milliliters of water.

STEP 7: Step Eight

Stir until the water evaporates and the mixture carmelizes. 

STEP 8: Step Nine

Add clay to the paper casing you made by grabbing a little piece of it and pushing it into the casing using the top of your pen. 

STEP 9: Step Ten

Push rocket fuel on top of the clay inside the casing using the top of your pen.

STEP 10: Step Eleven

Once rocket fuel solidifies, drill hole half-way through the casing.  This will allow space for the nozzle and will allow the burn of the rocket fuel to go from the inside to the outside. (and then cover the whole on top once finished.)


actually almost every photo in this instructable are taken from other users

Hi and welcome to Instructables!

I'm glad you want to share something you've made! Your Instructable looks great, but I noticed you have used an image you have taken from another member of the community.

Please exchange the image for one of your own and reply to this message when you are done :)

Let me know if you have any questions!

Community Support Manager

My mistake, I meant King of Random. I'm subscribes to both of them...
I was actually going to mention this. If memory serves, isn't the photo in question nighthawkinlight?

Judging by the sudden rush of rocket-fuel instructables, it looks like a class are all posting their work. Could you do me a favour, and ask the class teacher or group leader to contact me?

They can reply to any of my comments on these projects, but it would probably be better if they send me a PM.

Aside from the legal issues (following this instructable would earn you jail time in the UK), using a power drill to make the hole in the clay is incredibly, stupidly dangerous!

The heat generated by the spinning bit could all-to-easily ignite the fuel as you drill, which would be bad news for your hands, face etc...

Where and how do you get the patassum nitrate?