How to Feather Braid!


Intro: How to Feather Braid!

STEP 1: Step One

First off, brush your hair until all tangles are out. Next, grab a section of hair or grab your bangs and pull them back.

STEP 2: Step Two

Now, separate the section in to 2 pieces.

STEP 3: Step 3

Cross the bottom strand over the top strand.

STEP 4: Step 4

Here is the tricky part. Take a small strand of hair and put it in the middle of the two strands, just let it drop in the middle.:)

STEP 5: Step 5

Now, cross the bottom strand over the top strand, grab a piece, put it in the middle. Continue these steps until you reach the length you desire.

STEP 6: Your Finished!!


I tried it on my hair, but i don't think it worked. What are you supposed to do with the extra piece. Is this just for straitend hair or can you do it on all hair (frizzy). Is it eaiser to do it on your own hair or someone else's.