How to Find Chords


Intro: How to Find Chords

STEP 1: Finding the Chords

To start finding the chords, you have to learn how to play the song which is pretty easy.

Once you know how to play the song, you have to press ONE key and see if it sounds right.

If it doesn't, then try another key.

STEP 2: Getting the Chords

Once you have found the key to press, add four and then add three to that chord.
For me, the right key was 'E' so I add 4, then 3.

So, when I play the chord, I'll press...
E, F# , B

It's a little bit tricky at first, but once you get the hang of it, you can do it to any song :)

Tip: When counting the chords, count the BLACK keys too! :D

STEP 3: Finishing

Once you have found out the first chord, then start to find out the other.

As I said before, it's a little bit tricky at first, but once you get the hang of it, you'll be fine!



Thank u! Thank u! XD
Well done well done ;-o