How to Have a Hard Day


Intro: How to Have a Hard Day

This is how to work harder than you ever wanted to. Landscaping in an enclosed coutyard.

STEP 1: Load Rock

Shovel rock into your wagon .
It should take about. 90 shovels full to fill .
Drive the load to your area .

STEP 2: Transfer Rock

Transfer rock to the wheelbarrow . It takes about. 45 shovel loads .

STEP 3: Hauling

Push a horribly overloaded wheelbarrow through three sets of double doors about 50 feet .

STEP 4: Landscaping

Shovel or dump rock into desired areas .

STEP 5: Repeat

Repeat for. 8 hours or you pass out.

As a bonus if you'd also like to have a bad week repeat this process daily .


HA! Very funny. I've had this exact same hard day before! The work is well worth the beautiful landscaping though.