How to Make a 6 Pointed Paper Snowflake!


Intro: How to Make a 6 Pointed Paper Snowflake!

STEP 1: Cut Out a Square Piece of Paper

This piece is pretty small so a small snowflake will be the result.

STEP 2: Fold the Square in Half

Fold the piece of paper in half so that it is now a triangle

STEP 3: Fold in Half

Fold the triangle in half again so it is now a smaller triangle

STEP 4: Fold

Fold one edge of the triangle about a quarter of a way from the other side.

STEP 5: Fold the Other Side

Fold the other side in a way that the pieces overlap but not the creases

STEP 6: Cut Off the Two Tips

Cut off the two tips on a slant so that it is now a triangle

STEP 7: Get Creative!

Te smaller the piece of paper, the harder it will be to make precise cuts. Even though I did cut this with a scissor, you may want to use an x-acto knife to make cleaner cuts.

STEP 8: Unfold!

Unfold your paper carefully and now you have your own unique snowflake!


Awesome job! It so worked, I have them hanging all over my house. Thanks!