Introduction: How to Make Kiwi Punch!

About: I'm a 9th grader that loves to build and destroy stuff. I love Gadgets and computers. I make websites, and design graphics.. I homeschool and have a lot of free time to do stuff.. Thanks for checking out my p…
This yummy punch made from kiwis is great for a party, or a snack, watching a movie, picnic, lunch, or just to have it for the goodness. Its very simple to make so give it a try (even if its green!) I even got my 6 year old brother to taste it! And he loved it! It makes about 2 cups!

Step 1: Things You Really Need

  • Knife (be careful this is dangerous)
  • Peeler (be careful this has a very sharp blade)
  • Juicer (just don't juice your finger!)
  • Cutting board
  • Strainer
  • Food Processor (This is very dangerous be very careful)
Food You Need:
  • 7 Kiwis
  • Juice of 2 Limes
  • 1 Cup of Water
  • 1/2 Cup of Sugar (I used Maple Sugar)
  • Ice (optional)
  • Note: it makes about 2 cups!

Step 2: Time to Peel It and Cut

Now that you have the stuff to make it you need to peel and cut the kiwis into chunks.
You can throw away the peels.
  • Note: Cut the end off that it grew from.

Step 3: Puree

Cut the limes in half and juice them into the food processor.
Now we need to puree all the stuff together in the food processor.
Put the kiwis, juice of 2 limes, 1/2 cup sugar, and 1 cup water into the processor and puree it enough so that there are no chunks of kiwi and sugar.

Step 4: Strain

Now take your strainer and strain it into a pitcher or cup. You can discard the rest of the stuff that does not go through the strainer.

Step 5: Serve & Enjoy!

Serve over ice and enjoy your very well made kiwi punch! yummy isn't it good! And the best part its GREEN!! LOL.