How to Make Skateboard Wax


Intro: How to Make Skateboard Wax

STEP 1: Step 1

You will need 1. Candles,(birthday candles,tlights,partylights) or any type of candle or, pariffen wax. 2.olive oil,canola oil,veggie oil,or cooking oil. 3.butter,or margarine,you could also use Vaseline. 4. A mold (a plastic Rubbermaid container,a muffin tin,a silicone mold) 5.a stir stick or somthing to stir it with. 6.a oven,a coke can,or a tin can.


Turn your burner on and put a pot with a lol water on it and cut the top of your coke can off and put candles or wax in it and butter and olive oil. You could grate or chop the candles up to make it melt could use a crayon or coloured candle to make it colourful. Let it melt till its liquid then pour it into your mold and put it in your fridge for about 10 minutes,not your freezer.


Take it out after 10 minutes and go put it on your rail or ledge!

STEP 4: Finished Product!

Here's all the wax i made! I sell it.


How much oil/butter to how many tea lights?? Thanks
Tip: you can use a microwave. i used old birthday candles like the little ones that are blue yellow and red. i microwaved it and it works just fine i recommend putting it in the fridge longer than 15 minutes
Is it safe to make in doors or is there toxic fumes when you make it with wax?

do I have to use candles

No any source of wax will work candles are just easily available and already pre constructed skate wax all on their own they work as is

Yeah, but there are alternative ways to get candles, for example the Goodwill has cheap, large candle ranging from 50 cents to 2 dollars.

Technically none the wax alone will work just fine for curb wax

i made it. but i used fake butter. will it work?

Should work just fine in the future you don't need to add any oils or days at all the wax alone will work just fine even in raw candle form
You know you don't need to add any oil at all and that just the wax will work great if you wanted you could skip melting the candle all together and just use the candle itself they work great for skate wax all on their own my aunt used to be missing candles all the time

it works with emergency 4 inch candles form the dollar store

How much olive oil and butter do you use?