Introduction: How To: Make a Felt Staryu Pokemon

About: I'm here to help, make stuff and answer questions. I also like to compete but I'm a really nice person if you knew me or saw my youtube channel.

Felt Staryu Plush Tutorial (free pattern)

By: Whittni


  • Felt (tan or gold, yellow, red)
  • Needle/Thread (tan, yellow, red)
  • Scissors
  • Stuffing
  • Pins

Optional: Thimble, Ribbon/Keyring,

Alternate Shiny Staryu Colors:

A=grey, B+C=Yellow, D=Blue

Step 1: Gather Supplies, Print Off Pattern and Cut Out Shapes.

Step 2: Starting With A, Felt Stitch B Onto the Center of A.

Step 3: Aline the Y’s on Parts a and C

Step 4: Attach a Onto the Center of C With B Facing Outward. DO NOT SEW ON THE DOTTED LINES of Part C.

Step 5: Attach the ABC Combo Centered of One of the D Cutouts Using a Felt Stitch. DO NOT SEW ON THE DOTTED LINES of Part C.

Step 6: Using a Whip or Blanket Stitch, Connect D Parts Together Leaving the X-marked Sides Unstitched.

Step 7: Stuff the Plush

Step 8: Close the Plush

Step 9: Squish Leg Into Arch Pocket

Step 10: Congrats! You're All Done! Pat Yourself on the Back!