Introduction: How to Tell the Different Parts of a Cast Net

About: I am a Texas based professional catfish guide that operated in North Texas and I also manufacture a popular catfish bait. In addition, I write a popular blog about catfishing called Learn To Catch Catfish whe…
Being able to find and catch your own threadfin shad and gizzard shad to use as bait is critical to your success when fishing for blue catfish. The best and most efficient way to do this is by using a cast net to catch your own bait.

There are tons of videos online that tell you how to throw a cast net but they all reference different parts of the net in the process of throwing them and most beginners have no idea what they are. Identifying and learning the different parts of a cast net prior to actually learning to throw the net is a huge help.

In this video we walk you through the parts of a cast net so you can better learn how to throw a cast net