How to Use Baking Soda As a Natural Remedy


Intro: How to Use Baking Soda As a Natural Remedy

Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, is one of the most discussed substances nowadays. Not only it is cheap and could be found in every home, but it is 100% pure, natural and safe. It is also a fact that sodium bicarbonate could be found in all living things! For household and cooking purposes baking soda is derived from a mineral called "trona".  A few years back I only knew how to use it in some of my meals and later I learned that it is an amazing natural cleaning solution. Recently, however, I discovered I was still not making the most out of it!

As it turns out baking soda could be used in numerous remedies from healing sore throat to combating cancer. Yes, you heard me right! One reason these are largely unknown is because baking soda can actually replace many of the over-the-counter drugs and the medical industry doesn't like this!

1. Cold and Sore Throat Remedy:

6 tbs of Honey
2 tbs Baking Soda
2 tbs of Alcohol (Whisky would do)
2 tbs Lemon Juice

I have tried this strange mix myself as recommended by my mother. Last Christmas I got down with a cold and I needed to get well for New Year's Eve as I was supposed to watch the fireworks outside and not in Australia, but in London! I did get better and even though my general practitioner suggested I should start taking antibiotics I just continued with this remedy for a couple of days. I would grab a table spoon every few hours. It has the combined effect of a cough syrup and sore throat pills!

Another way to attack cold and flu symptoms is to dissolve baking soda in water and drink whenever you feel something is going wrong. It is not the most pleasant drink, but it helps. Some people make a 3:1 mixture of maple syrup and baking soda. It tastes much better, so it is worth giving it a try.

2. Baking Soda against Tension

Dissolve one cup of baking soda in a hot bath and relax in it! Some reports say that baking soda alleviates tension in the muscles and muscle pain. According to Dr. Mark Sircus, Director of the National Medical Veritas Association, when baking soda and salt are combined in the bath, they reduce the negative effect of mild x-ray and radiation exposure.  You can also make a footsoak with a cup of baking soda and peppermint oil.

3. Baking Soda against Acne

This easy DIY baking soda scrub will help remove excess facial oil and reduce acne.

1 tbs baking soda
1 tbs of water
Mix and wash. Who needs expensive foams and scrubs?

4. Baking Soda against Reflux and Upset Stomach

Dissolve 1 tbs of baking soda in water - you will start feeling better straight away! The reason for this is that baking soda attacks the acid that causes the reflux.

5. Baking Soda against Cancer

I know this from my great grandmother and up to this day I often stumble upon support of this remedy online. Long story short my great grandmother made my mom and aunt drink baking soda dissolved in a cup of milk every morning and before bed as a precaution. In the video below Eva Tidwell explains more:

Please note: Even though baking soda is 100% natural you might still show some intolerance. Baking soda should not be consummated in dry powder form, but should always be dissolved in liquid or mixed with something. Side effects exist, as each organism reacts differently and therefore if you plan to use baking soda as a home remedy you should start off with small quantities and see how you feel. In addition baking soda may interact negatively with some prescription drugs.

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