Introduction: How to Assemble Exercise 2 From Chapter 12 of the Autodesk Inventor 2019 Textbook

In order to follow this instructable you will need to have all of the parts for the exercise modeled and saved in a folder that you can place them from. All dimensions are found in the Autodesk Inventor 2019 Textbook at the end of chapter 12.

Step 1: Step 1: Open a New Assembly File

Open your Autodesk Inventor app and click on the 'new file' icon. Select the 'standard (in).iam'.

Step 2: Step 2: Place Parts

When the assembly file opens there will be a place icon in the top left corner of the assembly screen. Click on the place icon and find the part file that you wish to place.

Step 3: Step 3: Place the Base

The first part you will select to place is the Base of the vice in exercise 2 of chapter 12.

Step 4: Step 4: Place Grounded at the Origin

Once you have selected the Base part file to place into the assembly, you will need to place it grounded at the origin so that it has a fixed position. To do this simply right click on the screen and select the 'grounded at origin' option.

Step 5: Step 5: Place the Jaw

Using that same process as when you placed the Base, place the Jaw. This time do not place it grounded at the origin. Instead simply left click on the screen and then right click and select 'ok' to place it freely beside the Base.

Step 6: Step 6: Place 2 of the Key

Before we add any constrains between the Jaw and the Base we need to constrain the Keys to the Jaw. Place two of the Key part into the assembly file just like we did with the Jaw.

Step 7: Step 7: Find the Constrain Command

Now you need to establish the relationship between the jaw and the two keys. In order to do this you will need to add constraints. The constrain icon is found in the assemble tab of the ribbon at the top of the screen, to the right of the joint command.

Step 8: Step 8: Use the Mate Constraint

When you select the Constrain icon it gives you two options, mate or face. Once you select one of the two you will need to select two surfaces to apply the constraint to. Select the mate options and then select the bottom face of one of the Keys and the upward facing bottom face of the notch in the side of the Jaw.

Step 9: Step 9: Continue Adding Constraints

The next constraint that needs to be added is also a Mate constraint. For this Mate constraint you will need tot select the back surface of the Key, that faces the back of the notch on the Jaw, and the back of the notch on the Jaw.

Step 10: Step 10: Add a Face Constraint

The last constraint needed to solidify the relationship between the Key and Jaw is a face constraint between the end of the Key and the Face of the Jaw. Repeat these three constraint for the second Key and the other notch in the Jaw.

Step 11: Step 11: Constrain the Jaw to the Base

Next you will need to constrain the Jaw, which the Keys are fixed to, and the Base. First create a Mate constraint between the flat top face of the base and the underside of the head of the Jaw.

Step 12: Step 12: Continue Adding Constraints

The second constraint needed between these two parts is a Face constraint between the side of the Jaw head and the side of the Base. The Jaw is still able to slide back and forth on the Base as it would when in use.

Step 13: Step 13: Place the Screw

Using the same process as for the Jaw, place the Screw onto the screen.

Step 14: Step 14: Begin Constraining the Screw to the Jaw

To constrain the Screw to the Jaw two constraints are required. The first is a mate constraint between the back face of the hole in the head of the Jaw and the back face of the end of the Screw that does not have a hole in it.

Step 15: Step 15: Continue Constraining

The second constraint needed to solidify the relationship between the Jaw and the Screw is a Mate constraint between the center axis of the Screw and the center axis of the hole in the head of the Jaw.

Step 16: Step 16: Place the Handle Rod

Using the same process as when we placed the Jaw into the assembly, Place the Handle Rod into the assembly.

Step 17: Step 17: Constrain the Handle Rod to the Screw

Add a mate constraint between the center axis of the Screw and the center axis of the hole in the end of the Screw that is not inside the hole in the head of the Jaw.

Step 18: Step 18: Place Two of the Handle Knobs

Using the same process as we used when placing the Keys into the assembly file, place two of the Handle Knobs into the file.

Step 19: Step 19: Add Constraints Between the Handle Rod and Handle Knobs

Two constraints will be needed to constrain the Handle Knobs to the Handle Rod. The first constraint will be a Mate constraint between the inside face of the hole in the Handle knob and the circular face on the end of the Handle Rod.

Step 20: Step 20: Continue Constraining

The Second Constraint needed to solidify the relationship between the Handle Rod and the Handle Knob is a Mate constraint between the center axis of the Handle Rod and the center axis of the Handle Knob.

Step 21: Step 21: Repeat for the Second Handle Knob

Repeat the two constraints used for constraining the Handle Knob to the Handle Rod for the second Handle Knob and the other end of the Handle Rod.

Step 22: Step 22: Save Your Assembly

You're done! Make sure that you save your file before closing your Autodesk Inventor 2019 app to ensure that you don't lose your work. To save your assembly file click the file tab, then select save as, choose where you want to save your file and what you want it to be called and click save.