How to Cook Maruchan Ramen Noodles


Intro: How to Cook Maruchan Ramen Noodles

Feeling hungry, grab yourself some Ramen Noodles from your pantry or your local grocery store. It doesn't matter what flavor of noodles, but we're going to be using shrimp flavor.

STEP 1: Open the Package

Open the package and take out the flavoring package and set it to the side for right now

STEP 2: Put the Noodles in the Bowl

Take out the noodles from the package and put them into the bowl. Then go to a sink and fill it with water until the noodles are barely covered in water

STEP 3: Put Them in the Microwave

Take the bowl with water in it and put it in the microwave for 3:00 minutes. When it is done take it out and let it cool for about 2 minutes.

STEP 4: Adding the Flavor

Dump the flavor packet from before into the bowl and then mix it until there is no powder left. Then when there is no powder left go to the sink and drain the water, make sure not to drain the noodles!

STEP 5: Enjoy!!!

Now take your fork and you can eat your Ramen Noodles so you're not hungry anymore!


I do like the Shrimp flavor better than the others. I prefer to drain the water off of the noodles after cooking and before consuming; and to only sprinkle the flavor packet over the drained noodles rather than adding the entire packet and that much sodium to the meal ;-)

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