How to Get Perfect Inset Drawer Fronts


Intro: How to Get Perfect Inset Drawer Fronts

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Today I'm going to show you how to get the perfect reveal for inset drawer fronts in your woodworking projects. It's a quick tip and once you see it, you'll be saying "why didn't I think of that!?!". All you need is your drawer front and a deck of cards. Shuffle em up and let's get down to business!

I have a blog post for this Instructable as well and it has some links to my other projects and the finished build of this cabinet if you are interested:

STEP 1: Inset Your Drawer Front and Insert Playing Cards

Take your false drawer front and put it in the opening you are trying to center it in. Let it rest on the bottom so there is a gap above the drawer front but not below it. Now fill the gap with as many playing cards as you can. Once you can't fit anymore then remove the cards.

STEP 2: Split the Deck in Half

Count the cards you have (I had 10 here) and split the stack into 2 piles. If you have an odd number of cards then add a card to the smaller stack so you have an even number.

STEP 3: Shim the Drawer Front With the Split Stacks

Use the two split stacks of cards and shim the drawer front from underneath. You will now have exactly half the total gap under the drawer and above the drawer. Perfect spacing in just a couple minutes with a deck of cards!

STEP 4: Repeat for the Sides and Mount Your Drawer Front

Repeat the same process on the side gaps. Push the door all the way to the right and fill the gap to the left with cards. Split the deck and shim both sides. Now you have even spacing all the way around the drawer front.

Use screws or brad nails and glue to attach your drawer front from behind into the drawer body.

If you wan to see the whole drawer building process you can check out my DIY Sideboard Cabinet build here:


Very good idea.

I have often used that thin baseboard that is 1/8 inch thick as it is also the thickness of the blades I use.

However I can see this being very useful as well.

Thanks for this :)