How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs


Intro: How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs

Regardless of where you live, there are various ways to get rid of bed bugs. If you live within a complex or an apartment, it's the owner's responsibility to oversee such procedure.

While most individuals would opt to use a professional service, others have practiced the DYI technique. Effectiveness is dependent on consistency and the outbreak. Here are two ways in which one can get rid of bed bugs.

STEP 1: ​Diatomaceous Earth

The application of Diatomaceous Earth in areas where bed bugs are sure to crawl is effective. This powder, while non-toxic, should not be inhaled and can be acquired in feed and supply stores.

STEP 2: ​The Good Old Vacuum

This method can be quite effective. If you hire a professional pest control service, depending on the infestation, they will use the vacuum to scoop up what they can. This is effective in cases where an infestation is terrible on your mattress. If the professionals make use of a vacuum to get rid of bed bugs, why shouldn't you?