How to Get Rid of a Pimple Overnight


Intro: How to Get Rid of a Pimple Overnight

Having a large pimple the night before an event is incredibly frustrating. But it doesn’t have to be!

This guide will help you take a fat pimple down to a far less noticeable size so you can show your face in public again.

Obviously, getting a pimple is very common and no one else really cares, but to put your own mind at rest, we can give you some ways to deal with the inflammation.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that from this point onwards, you don’t want to touch your skin again. Not on the pimple, not around it, not anywhere near it. Not with your finger, not indirectly, no with a single thing! You have to pretend it no longer exists, so even stretching your face in a certain way to feel its presence is a no-go.

The reason for this is that all of it is going to be contributing to worsening inflammation, as well as going crazy. Since you only have about 8 hours left, even preventing a small amount of touching will ensure it has maximum time to heal.

This works on all types of pimples whether it is pustules, acne vulgaris, cystic acne or whiteheads.

STEP 1: Wash the Affected Area With Cold Water

You need to get rid of the affected area with cold water. This will ensure that you remove any bacteria, and the cold water will help soothe the inflammation on the skin.

People also like to use ice, but this can sometimes be too cold and cause ice burns. Ice is also hard and the friction and pressure from it can aggravate the skin too.

Once you’ve washed the skin, pat your skin dry with a fresh towel.

STEP 2: Make Alum Paste

You can buy some alum paste from any south-asian supermarket, it may be called fatakdi powder. Take a small amount on a dish and add a few drops of water until it makes a paste.

Then apply this only on the pimple – be sure not to apply on healthy skin as it can cause your skin to dry.

STEP 3: Take Some Painkillers

Always consult with your doctor before taking any type of medication. Taking ibuprofen or aspirin as well as a dose of paracetamol will help reduce inflammation from the inside out. Note, be mindful of taking NSAIDs if you suffer from low blood pressure.

STEP 4: Drink 2-3 Litres of Water

Nothing helps your body release toxins and rejuvenate cells like hydration. Drinking 2-3 litres can flush out the kidneys and is known to improve the skin anyway.

Don’t overdo this or drink too fast, as too much of anything can be harmful, but 2-3 litres is safe.

STEP 5: Get a Good Night’s Rest

There is nothing better to lower cortisol levels and increase the speed of recovery than a good night’s sleep. You also want to make sure you are sleeping deep so ensure the room is as dark as possible, the temperature is comfortable and practise breathing exercises before sleeping.

Resting thoroughly alone can reduce the pimple size by 20% by morning. Under no circumstances should you try to pick at the pimple, even if it's itching to be popped.