Introduction: How to Make Cheap Twine Orbs
These are decorative balls which you can make for cheap, using household items.
Let's begin!
Step 1: Gather Your Parts
You will need:
=>Wood glue
=>Twine (string)
=>Plastic cup and plate
[Optional] Led strips
[Optional] Spray paint
Step 2: Inflate the Balloons
First of all you need to inflate the balloons. Don't max them out, so they keep a circular and not oval shape.
Step 3: Cut the Twine
Now you need to cut the twine to at least 25 pieces with same length.
Step 4: Dip Them in Glue
Dip all the twine pieces in glue, wipe off the excess and let them on the plastic plate, so it's more convenient for you to work with.
Step 5: "Dress" the Balloon
Hang the balloon and start wraping it around with the twine. Let it dry overnight.
Step 6: Final Touches and Admiration
You can optionally glue a led light or strip inside the orb or even paint it with spray paint.
Finally, admire your masterpiece! Don't get disappointed if you don't get the perfect result with the first try, i didn't either (I was bored to clean off any excess glue).
Congrats for crafting your own cheap, stunning twine orb!!!