How to Make Compost in a Few Easy Steps


Intro: How to Make Compost in a Few Easy Steps

Learning how to compost are the first step toward building a healthy lawn. Over time, the compost you collect will break down and provide you with all natural fertilizer for your lawn and garden. 

For more information on lawn care and composting visit,


I, too, am a professional writer and have been researching, and writing about, compost for 10 years. If you do some more background on compost, you'll find that "browns" are materials with little to no protein content. These materials may be colored green or brown, but they are considered 'brown' for compost purposes. "Greens" are materials which have protein ranging from 6% to 40%. These materials may be colored green or brown, but they are considered 'green' for compost purposes. From the kitchen you might find rancid flour, corn meal, used coffee grounds, and sour milk to be perfect as a 'green' for your compost pile. About the only garden waste material that has any appreciable 'green' content is grass clippings. If you are not mulch-mowing your lawn, then all the clippings should go into compost. If you are mulch-mowing, then you will have just about no available 'green' material for compost. Still, even though you have a nothing but 'brown' material, it will compost slower and at lower temperatures. If there is a secret to making compost, that secret is to keep it moist but not soggy.
Wow, great insight dchall8! Great idea about using old or sour milk to add to your compost pile! Thanks for your comment!