How to Make Crepes


Intro: How to Make Crepes

In this instructable, I will show you how to make crepes. With this easy crepe recipe you will be making crepes in no time. What is your favorite way to eat crepes? Sweet? Savory? There are so many possible ways to eat crepes. Join me as I show you how to make them, if I can do it, you can do it! Let's get started!

If you have any questions or comments put them down below.

Follow the easy steps or watch the short video tutorial or do both!

STEP 1: Ingredients/Tools

You can print the recipe here on my website:


  • 2 eggs
  • 1 1/2 cups of milk (2%, 1%, Whole) (355ml)
  • 1 tsp. of canola or vegetable oil (or one Tbsp. of butter, melted) (5ml)
  • 1 cup of all-purpose flour (120g)
  • 1/4 tsp. of salt (or 3/4 tsp. for savory)(5.5g)
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract (for sweet) (5ml)
  • 1 Tbsp. of granulated sugar (for sweet)(12.5g)


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STEP 2: Add Eggs, Milk, Oil

First some people might opt to use a blender which you certainly can use. In that case just add everything to that and blend it all together. I am using a big bowl and hand mixer. Add your eggs, milk, and oil (or you can use 1 tablespoon of butter which you will melt before adding). Then turn on your mixer until it is well blended.

STEP 3: Add Rest of Ingredients

Now we add our flour, salt, and if we are making sweet crepes, 1 tsp. of vanilla extract and 1 tablespoon of sugar. If you are making a savory crepe, don't add the vanilla extract or the sugar, and add an extra 1/2 tsp. of salt. Now mix it all together until nice and runny.

STEP 4: Add Butter Then Crepe Batter

Turn the heat in between medium and medium-hi. Now we add a little bit of butter to our non-stick skillet or crepe pan or optionally crepe maker. Next we raise the pan off the heat and tilt it. I like to use a ladle for this next part. My ladle holds about 1/4 cup of batter, pour some batter onto the pan. Pour it in the middle of the pan and then tilt the pan in a circle like motion, so the batter covers the whole bottom of the pan, then just place the pan on the heat again. We will cook it for about 1 minute or so on this side, until the top gets nice and dry.

STEP 5: Flip Crepe Over

Next we flip it over after a minute or so and then cook the other side for about 10 to 20 seconds, then flip it one more time and you will see nice cook marks on your crepe. Now you are done and you can stack them on a plate. They won't stick together so don't worry about that.

STEP 6: Toppings: Method 1 (Triangle Shape)

Now it is time to add some toppings! A classic method is to add some nutella to the crepe then fold it over once and then over one more time making a triangle shape. Then you can top it off with powdered sugar, whipped cream, syrup, or just eat it as is.

STEP 7: Toppings: Method 2 (Roll It Up)

Another method is to add whatever you like to the inside, in this case, cool whip and strawberries, then you roll up the crepe. Then top it off with whatever you like. There you go, super easy to make crepes which taste amazing!

STEP 8: Video Tutorial

You can print the recipe here on my website.

Now watch those steps in action by checking our the video tutorial!


I made these for my boyfriend and his friends and I, made about 8 crepes! They were savory with Sausage, Egg, and Cheese. Lovely recipe, everyone loved it thank you so much!

Nice enough but that's how we make pancakes. Crepes are very different. We go to Brittany often and crepes, (Brittany pancakes) are quite different. The finished product is much thinner. Sorry fella but it ain't authentic. The flour you use is wrong.

As a matter a fact all you have to do to make the crepe is to use less batter than you would use for a pancake and they are the perfect width. Don't knock it till you try it. I made them and they were delicious
haha thanks Alan. I have eaten many crepes in my day, and they are authentic enough for the States. lol Americans will identify with these and they will taste like if not better then the ones they serve at IHOP. Are they true traditional French haha but that is because I am American and live in the states. And these are "not" pancakes in the States. :) American Pancakes are really thick with baking powder as a leavening agent. Maybe I should entitled these American Crepes? lol I really appreciate the comment and thanks for taking a look at the instructable. :)

I love crepes so much and will definately use this reacipe really soon! I hope you win this contest!!

I love crepes! But I have a gluten intolerance. Do you have a recipe with gluten free flours?

Here is one you can try! I haven't tried it but it looks good -
Thank you so much, Matt! I appreciate the trouble you went to to find that.

Nice job with your 'ible! I am almost a complete stranger in the kitchen, but I cook up a mean pile of pancakes. Crepes, actually. My recipe is essentially the same as yours. My daughter is gluten sensitive, so I just get a gluten-free mix. we cannot taste the difference between from-scratch and a good brand-name mix. I usually cook them on high, but lately have started using lower heat. I've found that the best way to get the right consistency of the batter is to mix with a fork in a measuring cup, using the fork to break up the clumps against the side, then adding milk as the batter thickens. It usually takes 5-15 minutes for the batter to reach the point where it stabilizes. I like the crepes so much better than American pancakes, as the pancakes can too easily get powdery and/or heavy in the middle. Too, the crepes are so light, and the flavor seems more delicate. I stack them on a plate as I make them, covering them with another plate to keep them hot

Thank you so much!! That is awesome you found a gluten-free way to make them. Yeah if I have to choose between the two I will pick crepes any day. Although I do like a big fluffy pancake now and again, they are more like a sponge and just sit in your I also love a good Belgian waffle. Great tips on how to keep the clumps out! :)

When you say crepes, are these any different from normal pancakes?

Yes Crepes are different then normal pancakes. Crepes are an extremely thin more of a pastry really, but could be considered a "type" of pancake. Here is a cool article on wikipedia -
I am referring to American pancakes haha which is what I thought you were referring to. :)

Haha, just like soccer is football, these are probably just pancakes in some countries. Growing up in Sweden, it was tradition to eat pancakes and pea-soup every Thursday.

I found that mixing the batter with half the milk makes it really easy to get the lump out even with a regular wisk, then adding the rest of the milk and letting the batter rest for 30 minutes makes it easier to flip the crepes. An extra egg makes them perfect for crepe suzette or any oven dish. Thanks for a great and inspiring instuctable. I think we'll have pancakes, sorry crepes, tonight even though it's a Tuesday.

And what day was washing day? Monday in the UK, when we would get a one pot meal for supper in the days before automatic machines.

If you whisk the flour and egg first and then add milk a drip at a time I find it's easier to get a smooth batter.

Careful what knowledge you ask for, haha. The old traditions were to get "a good bath every christmas and midsummer...wether you needed it or not...". Interestingly, the Swedish word for Saturday (Lördag) is derived from "bath day". While many of the english weekdays are borrowed from the Vikings, "Bath-day" didn't make the cut.

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