How to Make Delicious Hot Dogs


Intro: How to Make Delicious Hot Dogs

Want to make a delicious hot dog and don't know how? If you follow these steps, your wish will come true!

STEP 1: Store Trip!!

Step one, is going to the store and getting all of the of the items required to make your desired food. The first thing you need is hot dog weiners, and buns. Something you don't need but if you want get your prefered condiments to later put on your hot dog.

STEP 2: Cooking and Prepareing the Hotdog.

When you get home put the hot dog into the microwave and shut the door. Put 30-45 seconds on and start it up. After that sit your hot dog into the middle of both buns and put whatever condiments you want.

STEP 3: Dinner Time!

Your hot dog is complete it's time to dig in to your delicious creation. A bonus is you can make another one in no time!


Well, I don't know from Ball Park franks, but it seems that they are charging as much for (some) hot dogs as the so recently had been charging for steaks! No wonder they only do Unit Pricing via Ounces on teh hot dogs - if tehy listed the price per pound . . . !