Introduction: How to Make Wire Tripper Circuit Using BC547 Transistor
Hii friend,
Today I am going to make a circuit of wire tripper circuit using BC547 transistor.If anyone will cut the wire then automatically Red LED will glow and Buzzer will give sound.
In Previous blog we made wire tripper circuit using Relay,But in some case Many peoples don't have relay so I make this using (NPN) Transistor.
Let's get started,
Step 1: Take All Components As Shown Below
Components required -
(1) Transistor - BC547 x1
(2.) Red LED - 3V x1
(3.) Buzzer x1
(4.) Resistor - 2.2K x1
(5.) Resistor - 560 Ohm x1
(6.) Battery clipper
(7.) Battery - 9V x1
(8.) Connecting wires
Step 2: Connect LED to the Transistor
Firstly we have to connect LED to the transistor.
So Solder -ve leg of LED to the Collector pin of the transistor as solder in the picture.
Step 3: Connect Buzzer to LED in Parallel
Next we have to solder the pins of Buzzer to the LED in Parallel.
Solder +ve pin of Buzzer to +ve leg of LED and
Solder -ve pin of Buzzer -ve leg of LED as you can see in the picture.
Step 4: Connect 680 Ohm Resistor
Next we have to solder 680 ohm resistor to the +ve leg of LED as solder in the picture.
Step 5: Connect 2.2K Resistor
Next solder 2.2K resistor to the Base pin of transistor and another side of 2.2K resistor to 680 ohm resistor as solder in the picture.
Step 6: Connect Battery Clipper Wire
Now we have to connect battery clipper wire to the circuit.
Solder +ve wire of battery clipper to 2.2K & 680 ohm resistor and
Solder -ve wire of battery clipper to the emmiter pin of the transistor as you can see in the picture.
Step 7: Connect a Wire for Trip
Solder a wire between Base pin of transistor to emmiter pin of transistor for tripping the wire as solder in the picture.
Step 8: Trip the Wire
Now Connect Battery to the battery clipper and trip the wire which is connected between base pin to emmiter pin of the transistor.
As we will cut the wire, suddenly LED will glow and Buzzer will give sound.
As above picture shows this experiment.
Over all this is the process of making wire tripper circuit using BC547 (NPN) Transistor.
Thank you