How to Make Your Own Organic Shampoo


Intro: How to Make Your Own Organic Shampoo

The benefits of making your own organic shampoo include doing the environment a favor. But you’ll also know precisely what you’re putting on your head, which is doing you and your family a favor. You get shiny, manageable, healthy hair fed by fine, naturally-derived ingredients. Best of all, your homemade shampoo is free of the sulfates contained in commercial products.

People with sensitive skin and scalps will love this shampoo for its soothing and genuinely hypoallergenic properties. Simple to make, this organic coconut and sandalwood shampoo recipe smell exotically heavenly. The subtle, earthy scent of sandalwood over a foundation of rich tropical coconut, produces a fragrance that’s subtle, not overpowering. With the hair-loving properties of coconut oil, you’ll find the results gratifying!

STEP 1: Get Those Ingredients in the Bowl and Mix Them

  • Pour one cup of castile soap into the bowl, then add one tablespoon of coconut oil. Blend the two together until the mixture is opaque and the ingredients are thoroughly blended.
  • Add 20 drops of sandalwood essential oil, and stir until thoroughly blended with the soap and coconut oil.

STEP 2: Decant to Shampoo Container

Place the narrow end of the funnel in the opening of the container you’ve set aside for your organic shampoo, then slowly pour your mixture from the mixing bowl into the container.

Voila! Your organic coconut and sandalwood shampoo are ready to use. To make a larger batch, adjust the amounts of each ingredient proportionate to the size of your batch. Remember that oil tends to separate, so don’t forget to give that bottle a good shake before each use!

PRO-TIP: Recycling old shampoo bottles isn’t just environmentally friendly; it’s ergonomically sound. Those shampoo bottles are designed for use in the bath and shower. So, don’t mess with a good thing. Re-use those old shampoo bottles for their purpose-built utility and to keep them out of the landfill.