Introduction: How to Make a Cool Adventure Batch File!!

This is how to make a cool Adventure batch file.

Step 1: Opening You Editior

Open notepad.

Step 2: Paste the Code


@echo off
title Adventure echo Welcome to Adventure!!! echo Press any key to start pause >nul goto adventure

:adventure cls echo You are in a Forest PAUSE cls echo You have found a snake PAUSE cls echo You are trying to run from the snake PAUSE cls echo You have escaped the Snake PAUSE cls echo Its dark and your cold PAUSE cls echo What will you do now? echo Press any key to find out pause >nul cls echo You found some sticks and lit up a fire PAUSE cls echo You have gone to bed after a long day PAUSE cls echo Thanks for playing!!! echo Press any key to quit pause >nul

Step 3: Save It!!

Save it as Adventure.bat

Step 4: Enjoy!

Enjoy this cool batch file!!