Cool Science Fair Project! How to Make a Homopolor Motor


Intro: Cool Science Fair Project! How to Make a Homopolor Motor

How to make a Homopolar Motor the best science fair project ever for children, kids and easy! magnet motor - motor magnetico 3 different designs, a heart, a spiral and a square.  A simple kids science project mini motor.  You will need copper wire, AA batteries, a neodymium magnet and pliers.  Pause and follow the simple diagram instructions the video to create the copper wire part of the homopolar motor.  To create a heart or spiral you will have to fiddle with your copper wire and make adjustments. Check out wireless homopolar motor: These hearts are on fire homopolar motor!: Free Energy Magnet Motor (Engine)


I guess it depends in the wire material and thickness and the frequency it gets shorted, so just a task to find out practically

Now that´s really a nice realization!


... excepting annoying commercials!