How to Make a Match Cube


Intro: How to Make a Match Cube

I show how to make a cube of matches. It is pretty simple once you get through the first few steps. After that it’s very repetitive. Matches are cheap so it is inexpensive to make, I spend $2 for 2 boxes of 250 matches each and ended up using about 294 with about 37 damaged or misshapen. This does not really have any practical purpose just an interesting way to store or display your matches. It is made without any glue or tape, just interlocking matches.

STEP 1: Materials

-Wooden Matches (About 300+)

-Time (It is rather time consuming)

STEP 2: Watch the Video

(The video may not show up for mobile viewers)

Lighting one on fire.


I made one with the matchsticks and decided I wanted something a little safer, wouldn't want some accident to set the cube on fire when I least expect it.

Presenting the Nail Cube. I used 2.5" nails to make this and it weighs about 1.1kg per cube.

In case, you would like to make one.

1 lesson learnt is that due to the cross section and weight of the nails, it is actually quite impossible for the cube to remain stable after the rubber bands are removed, any disturbance would cause the cube to dismantle on its own.

My trick was to dunk the whole cube in lacquer, so the lacquer protects the nails from rusting and also glue the whole thing together.

Wow, this is incredible! I made something similar a few years ago, but I used less sticks...and then I burnt it :) Can't wait to try yours, thanks for sharing!

@slu6alka can u pls send one more pic of the othr side.? or cann suggest some steps to proceed.

Thank you Vmuch.

Where did you get those blue matches?!!!!

I bought them from LIDL... they have some stores across Europe, not sure about the other continents.. Here's their global site:

I was scared in your video that when you burn it, the rubber band will melt and the cube would somewhat explode... good thing that the band isn't needed to make it stay in place :D

I was scared in your video that when you burn it, the rubber band will melt and the cube would somewhat explode... good thing that the band isn't needed to make it stay in place :D

Strange, but cool, er - hot...

I only see a video showing how to light it on fire. Where are the instructions people are talking about on how to make it? I already know how to light matches on fire, that's what they are designed to do.

Oof... Make a hut outa this... Mabe put like safety pins for holding the ceiling together? It could be like a treehouse on the ground... And once it gets cold, light it up!

Awesome! I don't think I will make one myself, at least not anytime time soon, but it's great seeing it :D

i think the first step should be : have lots of free time on your hands and be really during baseball season!

I kinda want to make one to roast marshmallows. That is if the fire gets hot enugh.

i guess you could say this is a "match box" ;)

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