How to Make a Modern Circle-Type Thing Good for Locker-Decorating


Intro: How to Make a Modern Circle-Type Thing Good for Locker-Decorating

These things are cool-looking and good for lockers.When you print them out make sure paint's set to print it only on one page.

STEP 1: Step 1

Select elipse and then make a long vertical one like this:

STEP 2: Step 2

Follow this pattern with the elipse tool.

STEP 3: Step 3

Add a big circle as below.

STEP 4: Step 4

checkerboard with various colours starting like this....

STEP 5: Final Step

........and ending like this!!
thanks for reading!!!


You can create the chequerboard pattern more easily than manually filling areas. Use the ellipse select tool in Paint, select one area at a time and press Ctrl-I for Invert Colours.