Introduction: How to Make a Pen Gun From a Used G-2 PILOT Pen

About: I'm a student in Pennsylvania. I would like to become an engineer. Can be found: building and rebuilding stuff, working, tinkering with engines, welding.

You pick up a pen and begin hastily writing. It gives a last dab of ink before giving out. Dead, with no ink. You make a motion to throw the pen into the wastebasket, then hesitate... what if you could make something out of it... like a pen gun! This simple tutorial will show you how to make a pen gun from a used G-2 PILOT pen.


A clicker-style pen

Optional: a toothpick

Step 1: Taking It Apart

Unscrew the pen at the middle, carefully saving each part. There should be: the ink well, the top half, the bottom half, a spring, the plunger, and a thruster device.

Step 2: Putting It Back Together and Using It

Next, put it back together in this order: bottom half, plunger, spring, and the thrust device. Use the inkwell to shove the whole setup back until it clicks. Remove the inkwell. Now when you push the clicker, it will fire. You can use this method time after time, shooting over 25 feet.

Another idea:

Jam a small toothpick into the thrust device, so it now can stick into cardboard and paper.

Have fun, but...