How to Make a Picture Frame for You Favorite Artwork!


Intro: How to Make a Picture Frame for You Favorite Artwork!

So in this video i show you how to make a picture frame. It is a very simple and easy wood frame that i made for a really special piece of artwork that i received. I also cut my own glass for the frame and even used a metallic paint that made it look great! Please let me know if you have any questions and Thanks for watching!

Video I made with Blek Le Rat-

#pictureframe #diy

STEP 1: Rip Down the Lumber

First i Used some pine and ripped it down to 2 and 1/4" strips. I then lowered the blade and made a few passes to make a step to fit the artwork and glass.

STEP 2: Miter

Next i mitered the 4 pieces to make my frame. Just be sure to measure from the back side when cutting to get it just right.

STEP 3: Glue Up

I next using painters tape glues up the joints and taped them together to help with movement. You can just use the tape as a clamp and it will hold until the glue dries, but i decided to use my strap clamp to get a tighter fit.

STEP 4: Cut the Glass

Next using a inexpensive glass cutter, i sliced down the glass to size.

STEP 5: Mount the Art

I finally mounted the artwork behind the glass with ook clips. They work awesome for this!