Introduction: How to Make a Pop-pop Boat
This instructable explains how to make a pop pop boat from daily used objects
Step 1: Material
Material :
- 2 cans
- 2 straws
- 1 tin can
- 1 candle
- Blu-Tack
Step 2: Motor Pop-pop
Use one can, blu-tack and the two straws to build the pop pop motor.
The motor must be hermetic. Once done, put the motor into water and blow in the straws. If you see some bubbles, this step must re-done.
Step 3: Boat
Put the motor into the tin can and use blu-tack to make it hermetic.
Step 4: Cabin
Use the second can to make the cabin.
Step 5: Initiate the Motor
First you need to fill the motor with water then fire the candle.
The motor will start to make noise and the boat will move on.
Step 6: Video
This video shows how the pop-pop boat is working and how to make it.