How to Make a 🌈 Rainbow 🌈 in TinkerCad


Intro: How to Make a 🌈 Rainbow 🌈 in TinkerCad

In this Instructable, I will be showing you how to make a rainbow in TinkerCad. Let’s get started!

This is the 3D model of the final product:

STEP 1: Making and Coloring Cylinders

First, bring 6 cylinders to the Workplane. Then, color each cylinder one of the colors of the rainbow (one cylinder red, one orange, etc.).

STEP 2: Changing the Size of the Cylinders

After Step 1 comes Step 2. To start, widen each cylinder except for purple (making red the widest and every color after that slightly less wider). Then make every cylinder taller, starting at orange and making every color after taller than the last.

STEP 3: Aligning the Colors

After Step 2, align all of the shapes into the center of the Workplane and group them all together. When grouped together, the shapes will become one, along with the color. To make the shape be the original colors, select the shape and select Multicolor.

STEP 4: Slicing the Rainbow in Half

Once the shape is correctly colored, it’s time to give the rainbow its shape. To perform this action, bring a (hole) cube to the Workplane and enlarge it so that it’s bigger than the entire shape. Then, move the cube so that it’s covering half of the multicolored shape, and group both the cube and multicolored shaped together so that the rainbow becomes halved.

STEP 5: The Final Step

Last but not least, it’s time to make the rainbow look more like—well—a rainbow. To do that, all we have to do is flatten the shape. Then, voilà! The rainbow is complete!


How did you create the zoomable, moveable 3D version of the model picture? (In the initial step before "Supplies"?) I use TinkerCad a lot and don't know how to do that.
Very clear instructions!
Did you know you can smooth out the cylinders' edges with options such as Number of Sections?
To create the 3D moveable model of the project, you must make your TinkerCad project public. Then, when you click on the project, you should see the word Embed. Click Embed, copy the code, and paste the code anywhere in the Instproject editor. When you click Preview in the project editor on Instructables, it should appear. To answer your second question, yes. I know how to smooth out the sides of the cylinders. I only did not include it in the Instructable because I wanted to keep it simple. I hope my instructions helped!