Introduction: How to Patinize Your Brass Putter

About: Canadian Craftsman

Brass putters have a timeless appeal, and the Ping Anser is a classic among them. But what if you could give it an aged, weathered look that adds character and uniqueness? In this Instructable, I’ll guide you through the process of patinizing a brass Ping Anser putter. Whether you’re looking to achieve a vintage aesthetic or simply want to experiment with brass patination, this project will take you through the steps to create a stunning finish.

From preparation to applying the patina, this guide will help you transform a classic putter into a work of art. Let’s get started!


Belt Sander with Scotch-Brite Belt

Shop Towel

Latex Gloves

Sand Blaster with glass bead media

Brass Black

Steel Wool

Distilled Water

Step 1: Remove Old Coating

Bead blast off old coating.

Step 2: Remove Dings and Scratches

Blend out the imperfections with a belt sander and a green scotch-brite belt. Ensuring not to remove too much material.

Step 3: Apply Brass Black

Mix up a 50/50 solution of distilled water and Brass Black.

Apply Brass Black with a shop towel, or an applicator of your choice.

Rinse with water.

Brush with steel wool for a nice consistent patina.

Step 4: Enjoy!