How to Pick Pocket


Intro: How to Pick Pocket

How to easyily pick a persons pocket, using two people.

STEP 1: Dont Do This Unless You Have To!

First off, im not responsible for what you do with this info, so if you get caught doing this it is YOUR FAULT!! I dont recommend doing this, it is incase you abslutely have to.

STEP 2: First...

First find a person to help you. They will form the distraction to the person as you pick pocket them. (or vise versa)


ok, so the person you chose to help you needs to form a distraction (i.e. going up to the man or woman and acting like you know them and give em a hug, ask the person for directions, etc) THIS IS CRUCIAL!!!

(you can refer to the pic)


ok, as your sidekick forms his/her distraction you go for the pocket/purse/bag/whatever and get what you need. the timing for this is important!

STEP 5: Seriously...

Im serious about this, dont get caught! you could get into muchos trouble by the police. it is illegal and is known a stealing.


In what situation would you ever "have to" do this?
after someone pickpockets you. gotcha!!!!!
the key is to prepare yourself not to get pickpocket. What I don't get is how can you grab someone wallet on her pocket without they feel you? I mean, if someone touch me even for a fraction of a second, I know it.
when youre getting hugged or something, youre too distracted with the person too feel any prick on your butt.
Well, I can't know it never happenned to me. But normally, when someone touch me, i feel it.
The idea is that while you're being distracted, you're too busy trying to get them off you and don't notice a slight touch.
also, a purse or jacket would be easy to get to.
So breaking the law after someone else breaks the law is perfectly fine? Is there ever a legal reason for removing someone's property from his/her pocket? I'd much rather see an Instructable on how to prevent having one's pocket picked. And now that I look back at this, maybe just the awareness of how to get your pocket picked is a small step toward not getting it picked.
Two wrongs don't make a right...

But three lefts sure do!
tiny, tiny text...

I can only get this small.
Well, if someone tries to pickpocket me, his two wrongs will definetly get him a "right" on his trachea... maybe 2 or 3 of them as a matter of fact :)
Most people don't realize they're being stolen from until afterward. That's the point of it.
Flagged. Illegal, poorly written, and using stolen images to boot.