How to Pop a Mosquito


Intro: How to Pop a Mosquito

How to Make a Mosquito Burst... If you; don't mind your own blood, and don't mind itching for a while.

Sorry, no pictures. The mosquitoes I popped didn't want to be photographed lol.

STEP 1: Get a Mosquito

This may be hard in some areas of the world or even us, but... in Maine spring, summer and fall, there are all too many targets. They sting after they bite so I don't TRY to get one to bite me so I can pop it. Once they have penetrated the skin, however their poison will take effect.

STEP 2: Stretch Your Skin

Put your index finger on one side of the mosquito and your middle finger on the other side. Pull your fingers apart so that the skin is tight in between them. Next, Wait! Comments welcome.