Introduction: How to Roll Your Yarn Into Centre-pull Yarn
this ball of yarn won’t roll away as your using it, and the yarn comes from the centre so the ball wont move (hopefully) as you’re using it.
Step 1: What You Need.
All you need is a ball of yarn, a toilet paper roll And some time!
Step 2: Prepare the Toilet Paper Roll
On one side of the roll, mark out thirds.
On the other side, cut a slit on opposite sides to put the tail of the yarn in.
Step 3: Wrap Several Layers of Yarn Around the Middle of the Toilet Paper Roll.
Step 4: First Wrap.
on the first mark, wrap the yarn from the top to bottom Several times. I usually do around 4 to 6 wraps.
Step 5: Second Wrap and So On.....
turn the roll to the next mark and wrap the yarn from the top to bottom again. Turn the roll again and wrap the yarn from the top to the bottom again. Repeat until you are satisfied with the size of the yarn ball or you have run out of yarn.
Step 6: Tuck in the End of the Yarn
Step 7: Take It Off
take the yarn ball of the roll. Make sure you don’t lose the first end of the yarn. I did that, and had to redo the entire ball of yarn.....
and voila! You have a ball of centre-pull yarn! This ball won’t roll away as you’re using it and the yarn comes from the centre!