How to Sign Up & Get the MOST From DailyMe's Customized News


Intro: How to Sign Up & Get the MOST From DailyMe's Customized News

This is a nifty tutorial project that I am working on to educate users on how they can get EXACTLY the news they want from the DailyMe service. (C'mon you don't really have all day to jump from site to site to read your Sports, Politics or keep up with Britney's antics - just kidding...I never read that kinda stuff)

About DailyMe for those few of you not yet familiar with our site, is a FREE personalized news provider that puts you in the editor's seat. So what does that mean to you? It's a platform that let's you take your favorite sections or columns from your favorite newspapers, blogs, news sites & more and create your own DailyMe Digest.

You choose & control:

The Content
The Sources it comes from
The Delivery Method & Schedule
And Coming Soon... the Layout & Design

So net, net - you'll get EXACTLY the news you want, where, how and when you want it.

STEP 1: Create an Account

Choose Your Screen Name

Enter Your Email Address

Create a Password

STEP 2: Make Your Content Selections

By Topics or Categories
(like World News, Sports, Technology)

By Sources
(We've got ALL the top tier Newspapers, Journals, Blogs, etc)

By Keywords
(Celebrity, Baseball team, Political Candiate, ANYTHING)

By DailyMe Picks
(Profiles our Editorial Team has pre-selected to make your life easier)

(If it's not in our list - import your own!)

  • or mix & match a combination of the above

STEP 3: Set Your Delivery Preferences

Select Delivery Method
(HTML Email, PDF Email, Text Email, Automated Printing or Online/Web View at

Choose the days and times of delivery

* The Default Delivery is HTML Email, M-F, at the time of your signup - (THIS CAN BE CHANGED) Go into Edit Settings after sign up to change or add a delivery method.


KEYWORD TIPS: You can narrow your Content Selection Step 2 by applying Keyword(s) as filters or selections. You can be as niche or broad as you wish.

The 3 ways this works are as follows:

1. Applying it to ALL Categories and ALL Sources
2. Applying it to a specific Category
3. Applying it to a specific Source

To add news for a particular keyword such as "jets" without filtering by Category or Source, insert the keyword(s) in the keyword field in the "Choose" column.

It will populate a selection for "jets" with a key icon at the top of the Refine column as well as some more targeted selections underneath. If you do not wish to get more targeted, simply click the "jets" box at the top and it will move across to the Your Selections column.

Example, the word "jets" entered in this manner will provide you with all of the content relating to this word, regardless of the Topic/Category (Sports or Aviation) or Source it comes from (newspaper, wire, RSS feed, etc.)

If you are specifically looking for news about "jets" only as it pertains to Sports News (i.e. NY Jets) follow these steps.

First select Sports from the Category list. When the Sports Category populates in the Refine column click on the +keywords link to open the keyword field - there you would type in the keyword "jets".

This allows you to refine your content ONLY to the specific area that you are interested in for the this case Sports.

Alternatively, you may want a keyword like "jets" only from a particular Source.

To add a specific keyword - by source, select your intended source by clicking on the first letter of the source for example "N" for a New York news source. This will populate all the sources in our database that begin wth the letter "N" and you may select from that list.

You may also enter words that appear in the source's title, such as "New York." All of the source selection(s)in our database that contain the words "New York" will populate in the Refine column and you may make your selection from there.

Again, to add a keyword you will click on the "+" link to prompt the keyword field to open and there you would enter your keyword "jets." This will ensure that you will receive news pertaining to "jets" but only from the New York source you have selected.

STEP 5: TIPS Infinity

Below are sample profiles of different types of people and how they selected their respective content.

(Remember you can always edit your selections and/or delivery preferences at anytime by logging onto

Ad Exec, 27, NYC, single, interested in skiing, the '08 Presidential elections, the ad industry, and New York restaurants.
Categories Chosen: National News: Politics, Industries: Advertising & Marketing.
DailyMe Picks: "20somethings"
Keywords: Skiing, New York City restaurants
Sources: Ad Age, USA Today, New York Daily News
Delivery Method: HTML email, M-F, 6:30am. User also visits for real time information throughout the day.

Lawyer, 52, Chicago suburbs, married, father of four, little league coach, commutes to work on train, interested in news, sports (especially the Chicago Bears), banking, and travel.
Categories Chosen: World, National and Local News, Business & Finance, Sports, and Travel.
Keywords: Chicago Bears
Sources: Chicago Tribune, AP, CNN Breaking News
Delivery Method: Printed every morning at 5am. User reads his DailyMe on the train. He also logs on to around midnight every night when his home is finally quiet.

Web Developer, 33, Omaha, married, interested in the latest tech gadgets especially wireless, video games, and reality TV.
Categories Chosen: Technology & Gadgets: Mobile, Electronics and High Tech; Industries: Information Technology; Guilty Pleasures: Gamers Anonymous and Reality TV Junkie
DailyMe Picks: Chic Moms
Keywords: Online gaming
Sources: Omaha World Herald and whatever DailyMe defaults for any other content.
Delivery Method: Text email at 7am and 4pm, Sa-Su