How to Solve the Rubik's Cube.


Intro: How to Solve the Rubik's Cube.

The Rubik's Cube has been around since... it was made in... well it's been around for a while. It's one of the greatest puzzles of all time. I didn't really care about it until I was 7 or so when my dad bought me one. I scrambled it and didn't solve it for years. Recently my teacher bought one and took it upon myself to learn the algorithms. In this guide/ how to I'll show you how to solve it.

STEP 1: Terminology

The terminology is actually pretty simple to understand. Look at the picture below for the terminology of the actual cube. Throughout this guide I will give you algorithms one of them is R1, D1, R, D. the one next to the letter is telling that you need to turn that face COUNTER CLOCKWISE if there is no one then you turn the face CLOCKWISE. If you see a 2 in front of the letter that means turn the face twice in either direction because it will end up in the same place.

STEP 2: The Green Cross

Normally you would just look for the side that has the most done but we'll just start with the green side today. There's no algorithm to solve the cross so you just have to do it. MAKE SURE YOU ALIGN THE GREEN CROSS MEANING IF YOU HAVE A GREEN, RED PIECE MAKE SURE YOU PUT THE RED SIDE ON THE RED FACE! You wouldn't believe how many people screw up their green cross by doing that. Look at the picture below if you don't understand.

STEP 3: The Green Corners

Now for the first algorithm. This is the one that I used in the terminology step. First you have to get the right corner under where it needs to go, like in the picture below. Once you have it perform the algorithm R1, D1, R, D. You may have to do this a couple times. Then repeat this step for all of the corners.

STEP 4: Solving the Blue Cross

To solve the blue cross you will have to find a top edge brick that has NO blue on it foe example in the picture below I would use the white, orange brick. Then turn the top face until the color facing you is on the correct face, in the picture I would turn the top face to the left once to get the white brick on the white face. Then look at the color on the top of the brick, in my picture it would be orange. If the top color is the same color as the face to your right then perform the algorithm T,R,T1,R1T1,F1,T,F. If the top color is the same color as the face to your left then perform the algorithm T1,L1,T,L,T,F,T1,F1. Then find another brick that has no blue on it, if there isn't one then perform the algorithm T,R,T1,R1T1,F1,T,F. Do this until you have solved the blue cross AND have the second layer of the cube completed.

STEP 5: Orienting the Blue Cross

Now you should have something that looks like the picture below. You may have noticed that we don't have the edge bricks aligned, this is the step where we align them. First turn the top face until TWO of the edges are aligned. If you get all four of them aligned as you turn then skip this step. If they are adjacent to each other then good, if they are across from each other then perform the algorithm R,T,R1,T,R,2T,R. Now they should be adjacent so turn to the left like in the second picture and perform the algorithm R,T,R1,T,R,2T,R,T Now all edges should be aligned.

STEP 6: Solving the Blue Corners

Now you can see your progress and you're probably excited and you should be you're almost done. Now take the red face (it doesn't really have to be red it could be any of the side colors) and perform the algorithm T,R,T1,L1,T,R1,T1,L. now look around the cube. Do you see something like the picture below? If so turn the whole cube to the right and perform the same algorithm. Do this until you see something like the second picture. Make sure that the far corner (that I didn't get in the shot) also is correct (it should be orange and yellow with blue facing up). If not repeat the algorithm and look around. Once you do this you can go... TO THE LAST STEP!!!

STEP 7: Solving the Last Two Corners

WARNING: During this step it make look like you've completely screwed the cube up BUT YOU HAVEN'T. Now go to one of the corners that doesn't look right. Perform the algorithm R1,D1,R,D twice. Now HOLD ON TO THE CUBE TIGHTLY AND ONLY TURN THE TOP FACE TWICE. Perform the algorithm R1,D1,R,D until the last cube is in place.CONGRATULATIONS YOU HAVE JUST SOLVED THE RUBIK'S CUBE! If you screwed something up because this was too confusing then check out this video.

Pogobat's video
This is not me nor is it my video so don't just go around assuming things!


I've always wondered, how do people do that?