How to Stop a Bike With Minimal Skidding.


Intro: How to Stop a Bike With Minimal Skidding.

Here is an instructable on how to stop a bike with minimal skidding. Im not responsible for any injury caused.

STEP 1: Breaking

Instead of jamming the back brakes, gently pull the front break.

STEP 2: Getting Lift

do a tiny endo not like in the pic, lets say an inch.

STEP 3: Alternate the Brakes

Now when the back wheel touches the ground, use those brakes for a few sec. then go back to the front brakes and so on. Or if you are lazy, just lock the back brakes and alternate the front break.


when i need to stop really fast, i just hold in the back brake not all the way but close to all the way while sitting down and i almost throw myself over the handlebars... i ride a 20" bmx with no front brakes...
i think one if the best ways of braking is to pull the front brake but whilst also applying, taking off and then re-applying the back brake constantly and this slows you down alot faster. good instructable though
I do it the other way round, I apply the rear brake to start slowing me down, then when I really need to stop I start to apply the front brakes, I usually stop pretty quickly with no tyre tracks left behind me... :) Applying the front brakes first is just suicide waiting to happen, especially if you have a solid frame bike (no suspension)... :S
Actually, I just loosened the front brake so I dont lift in the back, and just hold both brakes.
sorry,no front breaks on a bmw racing bike
ya thats wat i do anyway
this makes sense, but you MST practice this alot before it can be trusted - using the front brakes without using the back breaks at the same time can vault you over the handlebars.
If you reef on your front brakes hard enough, you're taking a header whether your back brakes are on or not. Like a few people have said here, it's about shifting your weight, so you don't end up eating some asphalt. If your front brakes are as strong as they should be, your back ones will be useless in an all-out stop, because the back tire will have very little traction.
about to eat a lot of dirt for sure.
I've started using front-brake braking after reading Sheldon Brown's article HERE and yep, you stop a lot quicker on a dry road. It could be disastrous on a wet or gritty surface, so the trick is to always be aware of your road surface and use the brakes accordingly. If anyone isn't aware of Sheldon Brown's site it is an absolute goldmine for anything to do with cycles and cycling.
Actually When I'm on a downhill with plenty of grip like tarmac I hang out over the back wheel and have both brakes on pretty hard, the front almost locking and the back jus a little below tha level, it'll do ok on flatland, uphill yo'll stop and fall backwards...
Or you could just hit a wall, thats the fastest way to stop anything. But in all honesty, you want to keep the MOST friction at ALL times so keeping both tires on the ground is a must.
I don't agree with you. The rear wheel is very ineffective as brake. The frontal wheel can stop the bike very much suddenly. The secret is to practice, and practice, and practice, BEFORE it be needed in the "real world".

Pardon my "Automatic Translator English"
Your "Automatic Translator English" is perfect, except that "frontal" should be "front" and "be" should be "is." The front wheel can be a little too effective in stopping the bike. The last time I slammed on the front brakes, the front wheel locked, the bike rotated around it, and it flung me six feet forward through the air, landing me about a foot from the speeding car I was trying to avoid.
Really, is thus. When I was 20 years old, in 1964, "I flew" by above a car that was crossed unexpectedly in my road. But of all ways, the frontal brake saves a lot better than a collision, knowing to use it. Therefore I say that it is necessary to practice a lot to be prepared when the moment to use it arrive.

Thanks by your suggestions about my English. I use normally that is very good.
There aren't many walls in middle of my street so i use my neighbors truck.
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