How to Substitute Your Broken Phone Speaker With an LM386 Op Amp


Intro: How to Substitute Your Broken Phone Speaker With an LM386 Op Amp

Going into this project prior, during remodoling of my kitchen I had to water proof furniture, during this I accidently dunked my phone into wood varnish, completely gunking my phone speakers, making it completely inaudible. Leading me to need to repair my speakers. Although I can't mirosolder nor clean the cone and dustcap of my phone, which leads me to sourcing it outwards, through the aux port

STEP 1: Make the Amplifier

arrange the components in the arrangement above according to the schematic, use 22 AMG wire to hookup components. After you're done with that, solder the joints together.

(warning, reversing electrolytic capacitors may lead to fire and explosion)

STEP 2: Design How It Will Attach to Your Phone

This is where creative liberty can be flexed, me personally I multiple designs while building, like a project case. But seeing as that is too bulky I opted for making what I call a leach. This design only works with my phone so you'll have to get creative with your design. you can make a leach, Velcro, custom case, The design is in your hands.

STEP 3: Put It All Together

with your amp and design in mind, assemble your projects then attach it to your phone I suggest hot glue, but any glue would work

STEP 4: Enjoy

plug in your amp and listen to any music with higher volume