How to Trade an ATC (Artist Trading Card)


Intro: How to Trade an ATC (Artist Trading Card)

Making Artist Trading Cards is a fun hobby for adults or for kids. Once you have made a few ATCs, you will want to trade them. This minizine will help you get started trading ATCs online.

STEP 1: Make an Artist Trading Card

There are only two rules for an Artist Trading Card: The size must be 2.5" by 3.5" and the card must be TRADED, not sold!

Paint something pretty. Make something interesting with ink. Create a cool colláge.

STEP 2: Get More Information About Trading

Of course, you can always trade with any other artist that you meet. But what if you can't find another artist? Then it is time to go online.

I started trading online in 2020. Just in time for the pandemic. Meeting and trading with friends online was my main social outlet!

I've made over 1,600 cards in three years. Often I send out a little booklet when I know someone is new to ATC trading.

Recently, I had request to share this booklet, so I decided to make the booklet more readily available to anyone who wants to print copies.

Instructables is the PERFECT place for this. (Thank you, Instructables team!)

STEP 3: Print the Booklet

Print the PDF.

STEP 4: First Fold: "Hotdog"

Fold the paper along the long side. Crease it. I have seen this called a "hotdog fold." I like that description!

STEP 5: Second Fold: Into Quarters

I don't have a fun name for this fold. Fold again, so that the paper is folded into quarters. Crease (#2)

Note that the title of the booklet, "Fantastic ATCs and Where to Trade Them," should be visible, "on the outside," with a fold on the right!

STEP 6: Open, Flip, Fold

Flip it over. Fold ONLY two "pages" over, to the left. Crease. (#3)

Use the picture as a guide.

STEP 7: Open. Fold. Crease Again.

So we have a big hotdog fold with a big crease and two more creased folds.

We are ready for the third of three smaller folds.

Bring the page with the "Instagram" logo in and crease it, as shown in the illustration.

STEP 8: Un-fold. Then Re-fold Into a "hamburger"

UN-fold it all, then make the "hamburger fold" and crease it.

Cut so it looks like the nicely photographed image above.

STEP 9: Re-folding: A

With the cover side down, move the quarter portion of the paper, which contains two pages, inward and re-fold it. Crease.

STEP 10: Re-folding: B

At this point, you can't see any of the printing. Now look at the two pages to the top. You will be folding THAT portion down in the next step.

STEP 11: Re-folding: C

Once those pages are "down," fold the last page "inward" and crease.

STEP 12: OK.... You Can Also Follow the Video...

Sometimes, it's easier to SEE it in a video...