How to Use Mulberries in Landscape Art


Intro: How to Use Mulberries in Landscape Art

Mulberries are an excellent substitute for paint when making landscape art because their fruit juice are strong in color and can stick on a material for too long.

STEP 1: Color the Background; Make a Draft

1. Get a blank coupon bond and color the whole page with your preferred background color. Spread the oil pastel thoroughly with the aid of a piece of cotton.
Draft your trees in a symmetrical order. Observe proximity in drawing them.

STEP 2: Paint the Leaves Using Mulberries

2. Apply the mulberry fruits carefully on the drafted tree stems. Make sure to distribute them properly.

STEP 3: Polish the Trees

3. Use a black color pen to darken the stems, afterwhich, use a regular pen to draw tiny branches of trees that will put the leaves together.

STEP 4: Create a Story

4. Add some elements in the background by utilizing the resources available. Use the corresponding material for every specific detail. See to it that you are portraying a clear picture of a place. (ex: a footpath in between trees)

STEP 5: Finalize Your Work

5. Polish everything until you are satisfied with the outcome. Use a highlighter pen to put emphasis on the leaves in the background.

STEP 6: Leave It Dry

6. Leave your work in an open area until it dries.
Lastly, prepare a frame for your work to be secured.


STEP 7: Follow Me on Facebook

To see more of the stuffs I am doing, please look for my page in Facebook. It would be great interacting with you there!



Hi, thank you so much. It's my first time :-)